Shocking video shows fireman Yellow Vest protestor shot in the back of the head by French police

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A fireman who joined France‘s Yellow Vest protest movement is in a coma after being shot in the head ‘like a rabbit’ by a police officer using a controversial flash ball gun.

  • Olivier Beziade, a father-of-three, is in a coma after the Bordeaux shooting
  • The incident on Saturday, the 9th week of Yellow Vest anti-government protests
  • Mr Beziade’s wife said police shot at them like rabbits as an inquiry is opened

A fireman who joined France‘s Yellow Vest protest movement is in a coma after being shot in the head ‘like a rabbit’ by a police officer using a controversial flash ball gun.

Related: French President Macron: Yellow Vests Are ‘Hateful Mobs’ Of ‘Racists’

Horrific images show Olivier Beziade, a father-of-three in his 30s, lying on the floor in Bordeaux on Saturday after being hit from behind.

He is wearing one of the high-visibility motoring jackets from which the Yellow Vests get their name.

Olivier Beziade, a father-of-three in his 30s, was shot in the back of the head in Bordeaux on Saturday
Mr Beziade, a volunteer fire fighter, had travelled with his wife into Bordeaux on Saturday for the ninth round of Yellow Vest protests when he was shot

Videos posted on social media also show Mr Beziade being treated by medics, with his head covered in blood.

Mr Beziade suffered a ‘very serious brain injury’ and is currently in an induced coma in hospital, said family members.

It comes as the Yellow Vest law and order crisis enveloping Emmanuel Macron’s administration intensifies, and the president floods French streets with an increasing number of armed police.

Shocking footage shows a bloodied Mr Beziade on the pavement wearing a high-visibility motoring jacket
Mr Beziade’s wife Cindy said he was shot in the head ‘like a rabbit’ by a police officer using a controversial flash ball gun

Some are being accused of gratuitous violence, ranging from administering baton beatings, to an excessive use of chemical weapons, stun grenades and flash balls.

‘I’m furious,’ said Cindy Beziade, the wife of Mr Beziade. ‘This is unacceptable. I won’t let it go. The pictures speak for themselves.’

Mrs Beziade, who is also a volunteer fire fighter, had travelled with her hubsand into Bordeaux on Saturday from their home in nearby Bazas for an ‘Act 9’ Day of Rage against the government.

‘The demonstration was calm until about 4.30pm,’ Mrs Beziade told France Info. ‘I was with my husband in Rue Sainte-Catherine.

‘Then there was a bit of panic. We turned turned back to avoid teargas fumes and to go home. I turned first right, he took the first turning on the left.

It was at this point that a plainclothes officer appeared around a corner, and shot a flash ball at Mr Beziade.

Police are instructed to shoot well below the head, but there have been numerous incidents of them failing to do so.

Mr Beziade is now in a medically-induced coma and may have sustained lasting brain injuries
The shooting on Saturday took place near the Apple store in Rue Sainte-Catherine in Bordeaux

As the shot is fired, a uniformed officer can be seen throwing a stun grenade towards Mr Beziade too.

‘They shot at us like rabbits,’ said Mrs Beziade, who confirmed that her husband was in an induced coma.

The local police prefect has ordered a full investigation, claiming that a gang of Yellow Vests was ‘trying to get into an Apple store nearby’ at the time of the shooting.

A police commander in Toulon, on France’s Mediterranean coast, is also under investigation for repeatedly beating up Yellow Vest protestors during a demonstration.

On Saturday, CRS riot police were seen brandishing live ammunition semi-automatic weapons in front of Yellow Vest demonstrators in Paris for the first time.

Another ‘Day 10’ of demonstrations is planned for Saturday, with Mr Macron apparently powerless to stop them, as the Yellow Vests call for his resignation.
