Musk Suggests Poll Result Saying He Should Step Down as Twitter CEO Rigged by Bots

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Elon Musk appeared to agree with suggestions that the poll he ran to determine whether he should step down as Twitter CEO was rigged by bots, and that the poll will be conducted for a second time.

As we highlighted yesterday, the expectation was that Musk would relinquish the position after he ran a poll asking “Should I step down as head of Twitter?”

After asserting he would “abide by the results of this poll,” the outcome was that 57.5% to 42.5% wanted to see him vacate the position.

However, after it was pointed out to the Tesla founder that the voting appears to have been manipulated, Musk appeared to be reconsidering.

“Very interesting when you compared the number of votes versus the number of likes on the tweets. Did bots brigade the Elon poll yesterday?” asked the Wall Street Silver account.

“Interesting,” responded Musk.

Kimdotcom also insisted that the poll results had been gamed by bots, telling Musk, “It’s unwise to run a poll like this when you are now deep state enemy #1. They have the biggest bot army on Twitter. They have 100k ‘analysts’ with 30-40 accounts all voting against you. Let’s clean up and then run this poll again. The majority has faith in you.”

Another user stated that the poll should be limited to Twitter Blue members in order to ensure real people were voting.

“Blue subscribers should be the only ones that can vote in policy related polls. We actually have skin in the game,” tweeted a user called Unfiltered Boss.

Good point. Twitter will make that change.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 19, 2022

“Good point. Twitter will make that change,” responded Musk.

This clearly suggests that Musk has decided to dispense with his earlier vow to “abide by the results of this poll” and will run another one.

That’s sure to infuriate prominent leftists, who thought they had scored a major victory by winning the poll.

Over the weekend, regime journalists were up in arms over Musk banning a number of reporters for their role in sharing information that led to the doxxing of his private location.
